Our contact details


  The full name of the company:
  "Krementchanka" OJSC
  26 , Berezina St.
  Kremenets, Ukraine

Our phones


 Phone: 050-3773785
 Fedko Victor G.




Our offer

"Krementchanka" OJSC


Furniture Factory OJSC "Krementchanka" is located about 65 km north from Ternopil, the regional center , in the town Kremenets. Total land area of 4.5 hectares. Area production, storage and utility rooms are about 10,000 m2. Nowadays, the financial side of business maintained in self-sustaining state. If you consider proposals on investment development, you can create a joint venture or sale the enterprise as a whole or in parts.

Phone number: 050-3773785 Fedko Victor G.


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